My take on various facets of social. I'm enjoying the interaction and I'm totally jazzed by the possibilities social networking offers to connect with others and make this world a better place.
Social Media Sites Get Down to Business
I think many people still don't see the power of social networking and social media. A lot of people also didn't see the profound changes that the printing press, horseless carriage, and cotton gin were bringing to the world as it existed, either. Okay, that was perhaps a bit tongue in cheek, but we are on the cusp of a revolution, and while individuals can ignore social networking and still have a fulfilling and complete life :-), businesses must jump on the bus before it pulls away from the stop and there's no calling it back.
I recently wrote this article that sums up the power of the three largest and most popular social media channels — Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — and how we're harnessing that networking capability by connecting those with questions and those with answers in a series of IBM Accessibility Facebook Expert Hours I manage and moderate on the IBM Accessibility Facebook page. The next one, on Global Workforce Diversity, is happening on Wednesday, June 22 at 12 noon EDT. Check it out — you'll be amazed at what you'll learn from our panel of IBM experts.
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